Free Classic Book: “Take Him To The Streets”
Michael Parrott
June 16, 2015
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-Life’s greatest question: If you died today do you have the certainty you would go to heaven?-
Download this classic witnessing manual by Jonathan Gainsbrugh today, Take Him To The Streets as an eBook or a PDF to read on your computer (ePub available through clicking the image at left)
Reverend Jonathan Gainsbrugh is a veteran, ordained Assemblies of God minister, full-time “equipping” missionary, teacher, evangelist, consultant and resource specialist. His life-call is to help pastors and churches maximize their God-given potential by equipping them to “work smarter, not harder.”Brother Jonathan has been in full-time ministry for 30 years since being saved in 1969, by God’s mercy, out of the counter-cultural/rock scene of Haight Ashbury. Brother Gainsbrugh resides with his wife and children outside of Sacramento, California. |
eBooks Jonathan Gainsbrugh 2015-06-16