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Witness Depot University Videos SECTION 6


Welcome to Witness Depot University!


Witness Depot University equips, edifies, exhorts, and enlists believers to witness, testify, preach, and publish the Gospel to his personal world. Witness Depot University equips, edifies, exhorts, and enlists believers, churches, ministers to witness, testify, preach, and publish the Gospel in their neighborhoods and marketplaces in their cities.

Section 6 - Video #1

SECTION 6, VIDEO 1: “Witnessing Church – Ministries: Send Ambassadors for Christ”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Send Ambassadors for Christ” is the first part of the sixth section, “A Witnessing Church: Missionaries”. Every believer must be equipped in the church and sent to be an ambassador for Christ to his personal world. Ambassadors must be sent as soul winning missionaries into our communities.

Section 6 - Video #2

SECTION 6, VIDEO 2: “Witnessing Church – Ministries: To the Streets and Marketplaces of America”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “To the Streets, Marketplaces of Americapart2” is the third part of the sixth section, “A Witnessing Church: Missionaries”. The scriptural who, what, where, and why of street ministry.

Section 6 - Video #3

SECTION 6, VIDEO 3: “Witnessing Church – Ministries: To the Streets and Marketplaces of America”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “To the Streets, Marketplaces of America part3” is the fourth part of the sixth section, “A Witnessing Church: Missionaries”. The scriptural who, what, where, and why of street ministry.

Section 6 - Video #4

SECTION 6, VIDEO 4: “Witnessing Church – Ministries: To the Streets and Marketplaces of America”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “To the Streets, Marketplaces of America part4” is the fifth part of the sixth section, “A Witnessing Church: Missionaries”. The scriptural who, what, where, and why of street ministry.

Section 6 - Video #5

SECTION 6, VIDEO 5: “Witnessing Church – Ministries: To the Streets and Marketplaces of America”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “To the Streets, Marketplaces, National eventspart5” is the seventh part of the sixth section, “A Witnessing Church: Missionaries” The scriptural who, what, where, and why of street ministry part5.

Section 6 - Video #6

SECTION 6, VIDEO 6: “Witnessing Church – Ministries: To the Campuses of America”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “To the Campuses of America” is the sixth part of the sixth section “A Witnessing Church: Ministries”. Jed Smock a home missionary to the Campuses of America. Confrontational evangelism on the campuses of America. The five stages of drawing a crowd on America’s colleges.

Section 6 - Video #7

SECTION 6, VIDEO 7: “Witnessing Church – Ministries: To the Streets, Marketplaces and National events in America”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “To the Streets, Marketplaces of America part7” is the seventh part of the sixth section, “A Witnessing Church: Missionaries”. The scriptural who, what, where, and why of street ministry.

Section 6 - Video #8

SECTION 6, VIDEO 8: “Witnessing Church – Neighborhood, Streets & Marketplace Outreach with Gospel Literature”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Saturating your neighborhoods, streets, marketplaces, with Gospel literature “is the eighth part of the sixth section “A Witnessing Church: Ministries”.

Section 6 - Video #8

SECTION 6, VIDEO 9: “Jesus is My Salvation – From Witness Depot”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel.

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  Witness Depot University equips, edifies, exhorts, and enlists believers to witness, testify, preach, and ...