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Witness Depot University Videos SECTION 3


Welcome to Witness Depot University!


Witness Depot University equips, edifies, exhorts, and enlists believers to witness, testify, preach, and publish the Gospel to his personal world. Witness Depot University equips, edifies, exhorts, and enlists believers, churches, ministers to witness, testify, preach, and publish the Gospel in their neighborhoods and marketplaces in their cities.

Section 3 - Video #1

SECTION 3, VIDEO 1: “Know your Gospel Message”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Know Your Gospel Message” is the first part of the third section, “Sharing the Gospel Effectively: Message” We dare not violate, pervert, dilute, cheapen, candy coat, add, or subtract from the gospel of salvation. It is vital that you know your gospel if you want to be able to share the gospel effectively. It is vital that you know the gospel if you want to be able to share the gospel effectively. The Holy Spirit will not convict, convince, and convert sinners with a false gospel.

Section 3 - Video #2

SECTION 3, VIDEO 2: “Believe in the Power of the Gospel and the Empowerment of the Holy Spirit”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Believe in the Power of the Gospel and the Power of the Holy Spirit” is the second part of the third section, “Sharing the Gospel Effectively: Message” Believe in the power of the Gospel. The Gospel is the power of God. For I am not ashamed of the gospel (good news) of Christ, for it is God’s power working unto salvation (for deliverance from eternal death) to everyone who believes (a personal trust, confident surrender, firm reliance)” (Romans 1:16 Amp) We can conclude that the whole reason that evangelism makes so little progress, why the church is retrograde in the work of winning souls, and why it has been on the brink of bankruptcy is that partnership with the Holy Spirit has been broken. Pastor Cho

Section 3 - Video #3

SECTION 3, VIDEO 3: “Romans Road: A Biblical Presentation of the Gospel. Covering all the Bases”

Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Romans Road: “A Biblical presentation of the Gospel. Covering all the Bases” is the third part of the third section; “Sharing the Gospel Effectively: Message The Romans Road is a biblical presentation of the Gospel of salvation. The purpose of a set plan (a biblical gospel presentation) is not to be some mechanical robot with a canned approach, but to stay focused on sharing the essentials of the gospel under the power of the Holy Spirit.


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