Welcome to Witness Depot University!
Witness Depot University equips, edifies, exhorts, and enlists believers to witness, testify, preach, and publish the Gospel to his personal world. Witness Depot University equips, edifies, exhorts, and enlists believers, churches, ministers to witness, testify, preach, and publish the Gospel in their neighborhoods and marketplaces in their cities.
Section 4 - Video #1
SECTION 4, VIDEO 1: “Messengers – Love & Friendship for Jesus Christ”
Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Friendship & Love for Jesus Christ” is the first part of the fourth section, “Witnessing 101: Messengers”. The twelve apostles of Jesus were his friends. Witnessing must be rooted and grounded in your friendship and love for Jesus Christ.
Section 4 - Video #2
SECTION 4, VIDEO 2: “Messengers – Ambassadors For Christ”
Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Ambassadors for Christ” is the second part of the fourth section, “Witnessing101: Messengers”. Wanted: Ambassadors for Christ! Ambassadors are the royal representatives of the King of Kings. Twelve Ambassadors for Christ will shake their city for Christ.
Section 4 - Video #3
SECTION 4, VIDEO 3: “Messengers – Witnessing 101”
Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Witnessing” is the third part of the fourth section, “Witnessing101: Messengers”. “Witnessing is sharing Jesus Christ and the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results with God” (Bill Bright). Eighty percent of all born again Christians in America do not witness for Jesus Christ! WOW!