Soul Winning or Proselytizing? By Charles Spurgeon
Soul winning is the chief business of every minister and indeed it should be the main pursuit of every true believer. Our aim should be that of the apostle Paul. I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some1Cor9:22
- What is not Soul wining?
We do not regard soul-winning to steal members out of churches already established. We count it utter meanness to build up our own house with the ruins of our neighbors house .
There is selfishness in our eagerness for the aggrandizement of our own party, and from this evil spirit may grace deliver us. The increase of the kingdom is more to be desired than the growth of a clan. Our object is not the revision of opinions but the regeneration of natures.. We would bring men to Christ and not to our peculiar views of Christianity. To make proselytes is a suitable labor for Pharisees: to beget men unto God is the honorable aim of ministers of Christ.
- To make proselytes is a suitable labor for Pharisees: to beget men unto God is the honorable aim of ministers of Christ.
We do not consider soul-winning to be accomplished by hurriedly more names on the church-roll in order to show a good increase at the end of the year. This is easily done, and there are brethren whom use great pains not to say arts, to effect it .If you regard the Alpha and Omega of a ministers efforts the result will be deplorable. I am weary of this public bragging this counting of un-hatched chickens and this exhibition of doubtful spoil.
- Leading a Soul to Salvation
What are the processes by which a soul is led to God and to salvation? The gospel is a revelation of facts and truths which require knowledge and belief. The gospel appeals to men’s understanding. It is a matter for thought and consideration. It appeals to the conscience.
It preaches the whole counsel of God. We are not to wheedle sinners into faith by exaggerating one part of the truth and hiding the rest.
- We are not to wheedle sinners into faith by exaggerating one part of the truth and hiding the rest.
Teach the gospel clearly, affectionately ,simply, and plainly especially on mans condition and Gods grace. What are they to believe? Each exhortation requires a corresponding instruction or it will mean nothing. The field of instruction is wide if men are to know the truth that saves.
- The Punishment of sin
- The Atonement by sacrifice and punishment for sin
- Repentance
- Conversion
The soul to be with out knowledge is not good. As the Lords instruments we are to make men to know the truth that they may believe it and feel its power. We are not to try to save men in the dark but in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are to seek to turn them from darkness to light.
Some enthusiasts and ministers believe that when addressing the unconverted they should not give the whole counsel of God because there will be no conversions if he delivers the whole council of God.
It just comes to this brethren it is supposed that we are to conceal truth and utter a half-falsehood in order to save souls?
Are to wheedle sinners into faith by exaggerating one part of truth and hiding the rest until a more convenient season.
To try to win a soul for Christ by keeping that soul in ignorance of any truth is contrary to the mind of the spirit. The best attraction to the soul is the gospel in its purity