Welcome to Witness Depot University!
Witness Depot University equips, edifies, exhorts, and enlists believers to witness, testify, preach, and publish the Gospel to his personal world. Witness Depot University equips, edifies, exhorts, and enlists believers, churches, ministers to witness, testify, preach, and publish the Gospel in their neighborhoods and marketplaces in their cities.
Section 5 - Video #1
SECTION 5, VIDEO 1: “Witnessing Church – Great Commission Leadership: The Church of Jerusalem”
Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Great Commission Leadership: The Church of Jerusalem” is the first part of the fifth section, “A Witnessing Church: Ministries”. A Great Commission church must have Great Commission leadership. We will discuss the Great Commission leadership in the church of Jerusalem. “You will never find an excuse to hide behind your pulpit” (Charles Spurgeon).
Section 5 - Video #2
SECTION 5, VIDEO 2: “Witnessing Church – Empowerment of the Holy Spirit: The Church of Jerusalem”
Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Empowerment of the Holy Spirit: The Church of Jerusalem” is the second part of the fifth section, “A Witnessing Church: Ministries”. In this video we will discuss the great empowerment of the Holy Spirit in the church of Jerusalem. We are mouthpieces and instruments of the Holy Spirit when we witness.
Section 5 - Video #3
SECTION 5, VIDEO 3: “Witnessing Church – Preaching, Witnessing, Testifying the Gospel: Jesus Christ”
Witnessdepot.org is your source for witnessing and evangelism training, tips, and tools to help you become a confident and effective witness of the gospel. “Preaching, Witnessing, Testifying the Gospel: Jesus Christ” is the third part of the fifth section, “A Witnessing Church: Ministries”. Preaching, witnessing and testifying the Gospel: Jesus Christ.