Home / Art Neyland & World Changers For Christ

Art Neyland & World Changers For Christ

About: Art Neyland

Art Neyland attended Montana State & Eastern Washington University where he graduated with a business degree. He has served as a minister of evangelism, youth pastor, associate pastor, and teacher. He is the author of the book “The Laws of the Harvest”. Learn more about the laws of the harvest that Wesley, Finney, and many of the great forefathers of the faith entered into that transformed nations and inspired everyday Christians to transform their world.

Art Neyland is a soul winning missionary, a proclaimer of the Gospel to unbelievers. Art Neyland’s objective for over 35 years has been to take gospel to the streets and marketplaces of America.

Art Neyland is the director of World Changers for Christ, taking missionary teams to the streets of America. Art Neyland is an equipping evangelist (Eph 4:11), equipping and training God’s people in evangelism which is the sum total of (witnessing, preaching, testifying, soul winning) equipping the believer to take the gospel to their personal world and their community.

World Changers for Christ – “Go into the entire world and preach the gospel to every person” (Mark 16:15).


Contact Art Neyland:

Email: art@witnessdepot.org

Website: WitnessDepot.org

Cell: 303-653-4401

Location: Denver, Colorado