Reaching your Personal World By: Michael Parrott
C .S Lovett in his book witnessing made easy makes this analogy. The preacher makes a stirring message on the Great commission and the believers responsibility to reach the world for Jesus Christ. Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every person. Mark16:15
“Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every person. Mark16:15”
The challenge still rings in your heart go ye into all the world and preach the gospel. The Holy Spirit prods your mind with a question. How can I go into all the world? The answer comes quickly, There is no way for one man to reach the whole world for Christ.
“If you can’t reach the entire world what world can you reach?”
There is only one world anyone can reach and that is his personal world. Every one has a personal world. That world is the people you encounter in your daily routine of life in your world.
The command to go into all the world and preach-proclaim-witness-
the gospel . We will never reach the world unless every believer goes into his personal world and proclaims the gospel.
Your Personal world:
The center of every mans personal world is his home. No matter where he goes or what he does, his home is the hub where he operates from. God will open up the doors of opportunity to witness for him .Some have a wife and children to reach with the gospel. We all have relatives in our personal world to reach with the gospel.
In the coarse of daily living you have a daily routine most of the time that you follow. Most of us have a workplace that we go to. God will open up the doors of opportunity and utterance at the right time in the work place for you to witness for him.
In the coarse of that routine you rub shoulders with people you can influence for Christ better than anyone else. Why? They are inside your personal world. Think of all the souls all around you as you go about your daily routine of living. In some cases you may be the only concerned believer in touch with them. Divine appointments and doors of utterance are waiting for you.
“If you do not reach your personal world who will?”
Geography has nothing to do with the great commission. Most believers think of the world and the great commission as a distant place some missionary travels to. Every believer is a missionary to his personal world. There are lost sinners in your world at the market place, grocery stores, gas stations, dry cleaners post office, barber doctors office, schools, bank, repair shops. The list of places are many.
“If a Christian is not interested in reaching his personal world for Jesus Christ can he honestly say he has made Jesus the Lord of his life?”
If Jesus is excluded from the believers daily routine, what is left for him? A few hours of church each week. That’s all Jesus gets? Which will you choose? Friendship with your personal world(which means keeping silent about Christ) or friendship with God (which means obeying his command to reach your personal world)
So everywhere we go we talk about Christ to all who will listen Col1:28b
Michael Parrott
Michael Parrott is the director of Parrotttalks broadcasting a ministry of Evangelism Equippers. For over 35 years he has been equipping, edifying, enlisting and inspiring Gods people to do the work of witnessing to the lost. He has traveled across America as a missionary evangelist taking the gospel into the market place and streets. He has held witnessing seminars in churches across America. He has served as a associate pastor of evangelism and has authored books and booklets on witnessing. If you are interested in becoming a contributor to Witness Depot or helping sponsor Witness Depot’s mission, please CLICK HERE.